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This past week, my family and I had the opportunity to screen “Doctor Strange” in advance of it’s premier this weekend. My husband and I debated whether or not we should take our boys, 7 and 4, to see the film. It’s always a hard decision, right? But since we have seen all of the other Marvel movies, with the exception of “Deadpool”, we decided to try it. Our seven year old gets a bit more scared than our four year old and our greatest concern was whether or not the scenes may become too intense.
But we had nothing to worry about! Both of our kids left the movie theather proclaiming the “Doctor Strange” was their new number one hero movie. That’s quite a feat considering how much they both love Captain America, Iron Man, and Ant Man.
Before I tell you why they loved it, let me share why, as a mom, I loved it too! I would definitely recommend seeing it in IMAX 3D. The visuals are absolutley stunning and cannot be beat by any other movie I have seen.
First, it has humor. This is one of the things that I have enjoyed about the Marvel movies. They always have great humor, even during more serious parts and that helps keep things a little lighter. My kids picked up on more than I expected and their little giggles made it fun. There is some clever humor too that adults will appreciate. The cape was perfect comedic relief as well as it had its own personality and did some unexpected things!
Second, there is little swearing. As a mom with little boys, I did appreciate this especially. My kids know what words they shouldn’t say and would lean over and ask if that word was okay or not. This is something that is up to your own judgement as a family.
I asked my kids some questions and here are the answers. I’d say they are on their way to becoming great critics!
“What was your favorite part of ‘Doctor Strange’?”
Seven year old: I liked all the fighting. Because it used magic and was cool. And the bad guy wasn’t too scary, just really dark and crazy.
Four year old: The cape was funny. And they used magic to beat the bad guys.
“Who was your favorite character and why?”
Seven year old: Doctor Strange. He has cool magic powers and knows how to change time.
Four year old: Doctor Strange and the other guy that helps him.
“Did you like wearing the glasses?”
Seven year old: Yes! Those glasses made everything seem real.
Four year old: Yes, they made me feel cool. And it was like I was in the movie.