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Birthdays are the best!! I have always loved mine; it’s the one day a year I don’t feel like an idiot for celebrating myself and getting spoiled.
But what happens when the birthdayee is spoiling everyone around them too? That instead of presents and celebrations for them, it’s all for their fans?
Now that’s what I call a celebration! Cue the confetti…
Thankfully, our wishes are coming true because one of my favorite sites for fashion, jewelry, and other fun things for life is celebrating their fourth birthday!
To celebrate, they have a special collection, called the Our Gift to You Collection. There are some great finds in it, here are some of my favs:
One of my favorite things about cooler weather is wearing sweaters and great boots. These boots are the perfect thing to have stashed in your closet for cool fall days and they are only $29.99!
I just made this one mine too! Chambray Engineer Top: $14.99.
I’m kind of obsessed with nail wraps lately. I play and teach piano so there is no way I can ever have fake nails. The gold ones are definitely a statement and they are just $5.99.
Leggings should have been invented ages ago. They are seriously the most comfortable things to wear! These are $9.99.
Be sure to take a peak! They have a lot more fun going on, including some darling things for girls and your home. The Birthday Bash ends Tuesday, September 16.